What To ExpectIs this a real injury?
Reflex sympathetic dystrophy also known as Complex Regional Pain Syndrome is difficult to treat, extremely painful and not subject to a diagnosis that can be easily verified through an objective test. Each of these factors make RSD or CRPS cases extremely difficult to resolve with insurance adjusters. Insurance adjusters are trained to focus on objectively verifiable injuries like herniated discs, broken bones, bruises and torn ligaments. They tend to compensate for complaints of pain that are backed up by injuries that are objectively verifiable and they often dismiss or minimize subjective complaints of pain without corroboration from x-rays, MRIs or visible injury. Insurance adjusters are also inclined to deny compensation for medical treatment that persists after most people with soft tissue injuries recover. It is critical to retain the services of a personal injury lawyer that has litigated complex regional pain syndrome cases to fight against the skeptical treatment by insurance adjuster