Abnormal Labor LawyersCauses of Abnormal Labor
The pain and emotion that mother’s endure during child birth is practically a cliché. What is not as well understood by the public is that the process is stressful for the baby. Abnormal or unhealthy levels of distress for the baby is described as fetal distress. The fetal distress lawyers at Patterson Law offer free consultations to assess whether a birth injury was preceded by fetal distress during labor and delivery. The baby just like the mother is built to withstand a certain amount of trauma during child birth. What happens to Mom and Baby when labor goes into overtime? This is one type of abnormal labor that produces fetal distress.
Labor is defined as the regular uterine contractions that are designed to force out the fetus with the membranes and the placenta out of the uterus. Normal labor is divided in three parts:
- Regular contractions leading to the cervix becoming fully dilated.
- Early labor contractions last 3045 seconds and occur 5 to 20 minutes apart. The cervix dilates up to 34 centimeters.
- Active labor contractions last 4560 seconds and occur every 2 to 5 minutes. The mother will often feel the intensity of back pain increasing.
- Transition labor occurs when the cervix dilates to 10 centimeters and the contractions become very intense lasting 60 to 120 seconds with intervals of 30 to 90 seconds. The contractions are accompanied by a strong urge to push.
- Delivery of the fetus.
- Delivery of the placenta and other products of conception.
Abnormal labor is labor that fails to proceed over time within normal time limits of established labor. This occurs about 20 percent of the time and is the most common indication for a cesarean delivery. Most abnormal labors are due to labor progressing slowly or stopping before the baby is born. There are many causes for abnormal labor including a suboptimal pattern of contractions, problems with the birth canal, positioning of the fetus or a large fetus. An abnormal labor can still result in a vaginal delivery but the assistance of forceps or vacuum extraction may be needed.