What Is A Fall Risk?Fall Risk is often the Justification for Physical Therapy
Physical therapy patients often are at an increased risk for falling. The process of being approved for physical therapy involves medical assessments by doctors. This is followed by a physical therapist’s assessment of a patient’s limitations. Physical Therapists construct a therapy plan for each patient to address their limitations. A physical Therapist will typically review submitted medical records, take a complete health history and assess the capabilities of a patient. Every physical therapist does or should determine whether a patient is at risk for falls. Physical therapy is often ordered for patients that are at a heightened risk for falls and precautions should be taken to minimize the risk of patient falls. Patients that have suffered strokes, heart attacks, knee surgeries, hip surgeries, ankle injuries, back injuries or other serious traumas often require physical therapy.
If you or a loved one suffered serious injuries as a result of a fall during physical therapy please contact the malpractice lawyers at Patterson Law for a free consultation.