Single Steps Are DangerousSafe and Unsafe Single Steps
When a potential client comes to my office as a result of a fall, I believe it is my job to determine why the person fell. Most of us have walked thousands of miles without sustaining a serious injury from a fall or a stumble. Each and every one of us is highly evolved to safely walk. Most of us have also been spoiled by modern buildings and codes. These codes have eliminated so many dangerous conditions to the point that only trained experts understand why a single step is dangerous. Bowie, single step fall lawyer, George Patterson has litigated injury cases caused by a fall off of a single unmarked step. A single step is dangerous because most pedestrians have difficulty seeing a single step, particularly from a higher elevation. Engineers and architects try to avoid single steps where possible. Where single steps exist or cannot be avoided clear markings are required. An unmarked single step is a hazard that many property owners fail to recognize. The dangers of a single step are often not fully appreciated by their victims. Most victims of a single step fall are confused as to why they fell or failed to notice the single step. Single steps that are obvious and visible are safe. The most common single step is the curb in parking lots and along roads. These single steps are easily seen because they are marked by roadways and parking spaces. People expect curbs. A single step in the middle of a hallway or room will lead to repeated falls, stumbles and strips. Most such incidents fortunately will not lead to significant injuries. Others will suffer distal radius fractures (broken wrist), hip fractures, dental injuries and shattered knees.