Physical Therapy And Chiropractic Care A Safe Alternative?Physical Therapy Malpractice Lawyers
Chiropractic and physical therapy malpractice causes avoidable injuries. Physical therapists and chiropractors play an important role in our healthcare system. Customer satisfaction among chiropractic and physical therapy patients generally exceeds ratings of other healthcare providers. This explains why patients are comfortable placing their trust in their physical therapists and chiropractors. The injuries that brought patients to seek chiropractic care or physical therapy often render them vulnerable to additional and new injuries if proper procedures are not followed.
Chiropractic and physical therapy malpractice causes avoidable injuries. Physical therapists and chiropractors play an important role in our healthcare system. Customer satisfaction among chiropractic and physical therapy patients generally exceeds ratings of other healthcare providers. This explains why patients are comfortable placing their trust in their physical therapists and chiropractors. The injuries that brought patients to seek chiropractic care or physical therapy often render them vulnerable to additional and new injuries if proper procedures are not followed.