Quick Stroke Treatment Minimizes Brain DamageLegal help for stroke victims.
A stroke is a brain injury caused by a reduction or interruption of blood flow within one or more arterial areas of the brain. A misdiagnosis or a failure to timely diagnose certain types of strokes may support a medical malpractice claim. Prompt diagnosis of certain strokes may permit a doctor time to administer medication to dissolve the blockage permitting oxygenated blood to reach the affected areas of the brain. Timely treatment prevents death of brain tissue. Identifying a stroke is the first step.
The most common signs and symptoms of a stroke include:
- Severe Headache
- Vision loss in either eye
- Paralysis
- Muscle weakness
- Slurring of speech
- Ataxia – lack of voluntary coordination of muscles. This may result in an abnormal walking pattern
- Double vision
- Altered consciousness
- An inability to form language or understand language
The medical malpractice lawyers at Patterson Law offer free consultations to assess whether a claim may exist for a failure to timely diagnose or a misdiagnoses of a stroke.